Title of Work: One Child
150 years ago, 52 Chinese students traveled all the way from the other side of the world to the United States. They were the first group of Chinese students sent here to learn advanced knowledge from Western country, to look for their American Dream. 150 years later today, there were almost 350 thousand Chinese students living and studying in this foreign country, which becomes a major part of international student community in American colleges. However, is it still about American Dream? Or there is something else that leads us here? Or maybe it just gradually becomes an outcome of a rapidly socioeconomic development of an eastern country. All kinds of descriptions about international students on the Internet kind of cloud the way how the public think, so I started trying to draw the outline of this community by stepping into their personal space, activity and life. This path is full of confusion and challenges for most of us; some are trapped in the deep abyss, and some are walking toward the endless challenges.
Before coming to the States, my English teacher asked a question to all of our classmates, “Why do you want to study abroad?” My reason was simply about a pursuit of life in Western world that I have only heard about and learned from the Internet and books. I remember that there were so many different voices in the classroom discussing the facts of studying abroad. Some said their parents wanted them to, and some said they just wanted to avoid the College Entry Exam in China. With all these reasons, students travel all the way from the other side of the earth to this foreign country. And my project is trying to visualize the facts and students’ experience that I have been seeing from my point of view. By photographing the people in Chicago area and some of my old friends in Iowa City, I am trying to build up a visible scene of this small community.
在来美国之前,我的托福老师问了我们在座的所有学生一个问题,他说:“你们为什么想要出国留学?” 我的理由很简单,我就是想要亲自去看看电影里、书里和媒体里所描绘的西方世界。我现在都还记得当时同学们给出了各种各样的答案,但是无论如何,这些不同的理由和原因让我们在这个陌生的国度相遇。我的这个项目是想通过摄影媒介以及我个人的视角来展现留学生群体真实的一面。
Lucas Xu is a Chinese photographer currently based in Chicago. His works explore different generations in China by using documentary language. Starting the journey of photography by making pictures for people in the streets, Lucas built up his own approach to perceive the world. Lucas Xu is passionate about discovering different cultures from communities and documenting the communities by going deeply into them.