Title of Work: Untitled
Statement: I started taking photos in early 2015 with interest in a lot of areas, but unsure of where to really turn and what subjects to stick with. Being an unsure teenager with not a lot of money, I found myself taking photos of abandonment as often as I could because it was free and it pushed me to do research and dig for more, if I wanted more. This light curiosity in 2015 turned into a whirlwind of traveling over the last six years. Most of those trips were focussed on capturing decaying locations, many of which are churches. There is definitely a variety in what’s being left to rot nationwide throughout the United States, but I think it’s important to acknowledge and notice how many churches are literally sitting and rotting. After some travel, the history of the churches comes to mind. Why did it close? Why is everything here? What happened? The questions are what keep it interesting and why I still continue to photograph these locations.
Biography: Tony Truty is a Professional Photographer based in Chicago, Illinois. Tony started taking photos in January of 2015 at the age of 17 for fun, but soon after decided he wanted to push his interests. Starting out taking photos of friends, bands, and his dog. Later he found himself with a passion for decaying locations, history, architecture, graffiti, and people. He found himself driving and being in the car almost every weekend just to take photos. This inspired love and interest in areas outside of the Midwest. Decaying locations, constant travel, and research has led him to a curiosity and understanding for the society we live in.
Website: https://www.tonytruty.com