Title of Work: The Red Dot
Statement: The photo was taken in my home during the period of isolation. In February 2020, when the Covid outbreak started, a sense of crisis and loneliness can be felt and seen while looking out from a window. The isolation has adverse effects like loss of 3D sight, depression and stress. To vent my emotions, I pointed my laser pointer aimlessly on every corner of my house and also the opposite block’s windows. The spiral movement of the red dot from the laser pointer was like scraping the wall, symbolizing a silent scream from my heart.
Biography: Wang Yirui is an undergraduate student in the Department of Photography, Communication University of China. She grew up by the Yangtze River in Wuhan and likes to encounter strange experiences.
Biography: Wang Yirui is an undergraduate student in the Department of Photography, Communication University of China. She grew up by the Yangtze River in Wuhan and likes to encounter strange experiences.