Title of Work: Traction
Statement: Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine. It is a common disease that endangers adolescents and children. In severe cases, scoliosis can affect cardiopulmonary function, even involve spinal cord, resulting in paralysis. This work takes pictures of some friends’ preoperative traction treatment process for scoliosis, tries to show the great pain they experienced, (Scoliosis bone traction is to insert steel nails into the patient's head and pelvis or lower limbs, then use gravity to traction.) and show my highest respect for their strength to get through the difficult time, and to be “reborn” in adversity.

Zhang Yundi is an undergraduate student in the Department of Photography, Communication University of China.


术后的桂花 Guihua After the Surgery
术后的桂花 Guihua After the Surgery
术后伤痕 Post-operation Wounds
术后伤痕 Post-operation Wounds
素梅的牵引治疗 Traction Treatment for Sumei
素梅的牵引治疗 Traction Treatment for Sumei
刚子的牵引治疗 Traction Treatment of Gangzi
刚子的牵引治疗 Traction Treatment of Gangzi
牵引头骨环 Traction on Skull Ring
牵引头骨环 Traction on Skull Ring
牵引支架 Traction Brace
牵引支架 Traction Brace
生命画像之一 Portrait of Life I
生命画像之一 Portrait of Life I
生命画像之二 Portrait of Life II
生命画像之二 Portrait of Life II
生命画像之三 Portrait of Life III
生命画像之三 Portrait of Life III
生命画像之四 Portrait of Life IV
生命画像之四 Portrait of Life IV
“天线宝宝”的画作之一 “Painting of a Scoliosis Patient” No.1
“天线宝宝”的画作之一 “Painting of a Scoliosis Patient” No.1
“天线宝宝”的画作之二 “Painting of a Scoliosis Patient” No. 2
“天线宝宝”的画作之二 “Painting of a Scoliosis Patient” No. 2

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