Title of Work: The Place Where Rivers Meet
Statement: My hometown is located at the confluence of two rivers. The rivers are so tranquil as tamed by the city, but water mist splashed when they meet. The mist confuses me, blurring the boundaries between memory and reality. They collide fiercely as I attempt to search my memories about the past and try to accept this ever-progressing city. Recognizable are the rivers, yet blurred is the memory.
Biography: Zheng Yichuan comes from a small city in south China. He is studying photography at Communication University of China. He had a strong interest in natural and man-made landscapes and was strongly influenced by the New Topographics photography in high school. At present, he hopes to understand a series of issues about hometown, urban and rural areas, and nature through photography.
Biography: Zheng Yichuan comes from a small city in south China. He is studying photography at Communication University of China. He had a strong interest in natural and man-made landscapes and was strongly influenced by the New Topographics photography in high school. At present, he hopes to understand a series of issues about hometown, urban and rural areas, and nature through photography.